Are linear equation jigsaw puzzles only for classroom use?

Puzzles are enjoyed by everyone from grandma to your toddler. Classrooms certainly don’t have exclusive rights over them. While perfect for building class spirit and developing team work skills within the classroom environment, linear equation jigsaw puzzles are even more useful at home.

If you home school your children, integrate the puzzles in your home school lesson plan to spice up traditional algebra lessons. Parents with children who show reluctance to do their algebra homework can encourage an interest in the subject by introducing these puzzles as part of a reward system. For example, for every 3 traditional equation worksheets completed, the child could earn the opportunity to complete a linear equation jigsaw puzzle instead of a worksheet.

Does your family enjoy building puzzles together? Take it to the next level by completing a linear equation jigsaw puzzle as a family. This type of family activity helps encourage an appreciation for mathematics, and teaches children that the topics they deal with “in school” are not for exclusive use in school.


Taking arithmetic exercises out of the classroom

Most kids dread mathematics homework, but won’t mind playing a game.  The LPN Game is a very simple, fun, number-based activity suitable for the whole family.  The game, which is customizable in difficulty, can be played by all the members of the family, play group, or students in the classroom, and is a great way to introduce very young family members  or students to the process of combining numbers in a fun, non-threatening environment.  Without realizing it, your children or students will soon be “doing arithmetic” exercises outside of the classroom without the need for books or pencils.

The LPN Game (available in print format) will soon be available as an affordable download from  The low-cost download version is ideal for teachers and parents on a tight budget.


Mathematics as a Family Activity

Mathematics doesn’t belong exclusively in the maths classroom. Parents can, and should, integrate it in a number of enjoyable family activities. In most cases, when they are enjoying themselves, children will not even be aware that they are developing their mathematical skills as they play. Do parents require special skills or need to take some course to encourage their children to develop basic mathematical skills early? Fortunately not. In fact, you don’t even need to be “good at Mathematics” to have fun with your kids. And that is the key: fun. Children need to learn that addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division (and later calculus and trigonometry) are not just useless, intimidating procedures weighing down their homework. The best way for children to learn this, is to learn it without directly associating the learning with formal Mathematics.

As part of this blog, I will share some of the mathematics-oriented family activities that I enjoy, and which don’t require special training. Some of these ideas will be so obvious and “everyday” that you will wonder why you haven’t been “playing” all along. Join me as we explore these ideas and develop them into games for the whole family.
